Childhood Malignancies

Childhood Malignancies
Childhood malignancies refer to cancers that affect children, typically those under the age of 18. Unlike cancers in adults, childhood cancers are relatively rare, but they require specialized attention and treatment due to unique biological and developmental factors. The most common types of childhood malignancies include leukemia, brain tumors, neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, and lymphoma.
Childhood malignancies present unique challenges, but advances in research and treatment have significantly improved outcomes over the years. Early diagnosis and access to specialized pediatric oncology care are crucial for optimizing the chances of cure and minimizing the impact of treatment on a child’s overall well-being.
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- Plot No. 149 , Ground Floor Chati Apartment, Railway lines, Solapur, Maharashtra 411001
- Kotalwar Sadan, Manthale Nagar, Besides little Flower English School, Latur
- +91 9727755847
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